
Visiting with Family is so very Important

Well my youngest daughter and family were here for a visit and are now safely back in California. We had times we could spend together, but for the most part my girls and their families were together getting to know one another all over again.

Isn't if funny how much we all change over the years, yet we remain the same people we've been? I don't remember who said it, but I agree. No matter how much things change they stay the same.
My youngest girl is still the slow moving easy going gentle girl she's always been. My oldest is still the same red headed hot blooded fired up no moss grows on her as she's always been. Both girls love each other dearly, but their extreme differences tend to rub each other raw at times. I'm proud to see them work through their differences and still love each other.

The grandchildren are just the same as the parents. The only differences are the youngest are more whinny and hyper than the older one; and that's as expected.

So I know a little more now of the likes and dislikes of each one and I got to know my new son. I've never given my girls away. I accept the men they choose as my sons. LOL My oldest's hubby did the same thing when he was confronted with giving his oldest and his only daughter in marriage. He refused to give her away, but took her chosen spouse as his son. I just wish I could know how my oldest granddaughter is doing that lives in Idaho.
She got a hair up her butt and no one in the family has heard from her since.

Jessica....I hope your happy and healthy. I wish you'd contact your gramms. I have your wedding picture done and there's no address to send it to. I love you sweetie.


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