
Happy Mother's Day You-Ma

What did you do for Mother's Day? Anything fun?

I spent mine feeling icky. I was invited to a B B -Q at my daughter's house but never made it.
I watched stupid reruns on the cable, about Mom's and felt like barfing most of the day. No comment on the movies intended.
Nope I just had one of those days.

I'll be glad when I get this $%^&* gall bladder out so I can feel like a normal person again.

It's scheduled for the 15th of July so I don't have much longer to put up with days like I had on Mother's Day. That's one of the sidelines of a messed up gall bladder. Besides not being able to eat anything without felling like up chucking, you get to have acid stomach and an all around feeling of...."I don't exactly feel like I should." days; one right after another. Some days you know your sick; other days, you've felt better. Then there are those rare days when you almost feel like normal.

God it's been so long I almost forgot what that's like.

One nice thing though. Today I was sent home from work on my second run because we didn't have enough busses for all of us, so two routes were combined and one driver needed to go home; today it was my turn; tomorrow the other driver will get the afternoon off.

Anyway, while I was off I got a call from a girlfriend of mine I haven't talked to in ages. It was just a fluke; she called on her way home from work and I happened to answer the telephone (which is also rare; normally I let the answer machine screen my calls). We talked for nearly an hour and it only felt like 5 minutes. It was so good to hear her sweet voice.

We used to work together at a door plant in Idaho. She's still there busting butt; actually she said she's worked it off and is getting compliments on her back side now. Miserable way to get in shape though. She's no bigger than a fart in a blanket anyway and they have her wrestling doors and lugging stuff way too heavy for her tiny body. She has to be down to skin and bone now. That place ruined my body and broke my right side down so badly I couldn't work a physical job any more. God I hope that doesn't happen to her.

Hang in there Judy....God love ya, I'm praying for you.


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