
A Different Perspective

A friend and I were talking this morning, and our conversation turned to comparing our dings and hurts which we've each been forced to adjust to over the past days, months and some go back a few years.
We are both your basic tender hearted person that somehow always manages to get the short end of the stick. So when I told her I learned to cope by reflecting in comparison on Christ's ordeal for us.

I began explaining using her recent hurt in comparison to what I did/do to help me through the healing process.

Recently she was mis-quoted by an outside party to her significant other's parent, who in turn exaggerated the falsehood as fact to her son, who then gathered his things and stormed out of her apartment; slamming the door to good-bye and f-off. No hope of future reconciliations.

She wasn't permitted the opportunity to explain; she was just stamped as guilty, tried and convicted all in a space of a few minutes. Her heart was broken, not so much from the person's leaving, but by that person who pledged his love and devotion. For that same person to so quickly turn on her and jump at the chance to believe the distortion over having trust and faith in the person he claimed to care about. That was what hurt her most. This is where I brought up how Christ was betrayed. The Jewish Priests/leaders lied about him too. Yet the same people that were singing Jesus praises just a week earlier when he entered Jerusalem were now buying into their lies and distortions. He too was stamped guilty and sentenced. Knowing how we hurt when we are betrayed by someone we love; imagine how his hurt must have felt. He was betrayed by his friends too. He was used by his closest friends; friends so close they were like brothers. He was used to get money to pad a friend's pockets. He was denied by one friend saying he didn't even know him to the authorities. This very same person told Jesus he'd never turn on him; even to death. Jesus was so used and abused; totally unjustly, yet all he ever did in return was show love to those very same people. He asked some friends for support and prayer, and was even betrayed there; yet he forgave and loved them anyway.
Now, if this same Jesus could do that can't I at least try to do the same?

He came to teach us how to be; to teach us how to love, forgive and follow his ways. We already know we are going to be hurt when we do what he did and follow what he taught us to do. Look what happened to him. WWJD is more than letters or a trendy slogan; it's a question we are to ask ourselves and truly look at what he would have done or did do in the same kind of situation. I've learned that by following to the best of my ability what he taught, and doing to the best of my ability what he patterned, then I can be thankful when I'm misunderstood. I can feel blessed when I get betrayed, used, hurt or flat out treated unjustly. When punishment exceeds my fault or sin, I can hold my head high. Christ Himself also suffered and he showed me how I was to act and react. I'm to forgive! I'm to pray to the Heavenly Father, and whatever is God's will for me; feel honored for being used for His greater purpose. I don't have to like it. I can even pray to be let out of it. I can cry, rant and rave and beg and plead, but in the long run I must give in to God's will for my life.

Suffering for any reason isn't fun, but we can learn to overcome hurts. We can learn to roll with the punches of life and in the long run, if we do what Christ taught, we'll know something wonderful will come out of the pain and injustice; just as with Jesus crucifixion. He prayed to the Heavenly Father for help. To not have to go through the horror of crucifixion. But God the Father had the plan for our salvation and Jesus was the key to it's success.
So somewhere down the road of life we too can see our suffering be turned into something grand in the hands of God. That wonderful outcome would never have happened if we hadn't gone through our heartaches, or through our learning time here on earth. We are His children; spirits in human form just as he took on human form. Each of us are here to learn and to be what God the Father, Creator of all that is good sent us here to learn and do. When we have done those things He will be there waiting to welcome us home.

So next time the crap in life spills out onto you or someone you know, help them to understand the hurt in a different way. The pain is real; and I'm not trying to make it into anything trivial. Emotional pain can be and is just as debilitating as physical pain's many levels. But by understanding someone else's hurt and what great honor came from that pain, we can learn to handle it a lot better and the grieving times can be shortened. As a result, we can get on with living just a little happier lives.


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