
Beware of wearing too much green!

Folklore has it that we need to be cautious of wearing too much green at any time; not just St Patrick's Day. According to legend, wearing too much green will draw the wee folk who are known for their mischievous ways. It's just their mischievous nature to cause trouble. So, especially on Saint Patrick's Day, don't go overboard wearing all green; we don't want to tempt the wee folk.

I would offer a suggestion wearing the three colors of Ireland's National flag; green, white and orange. Green in honor of the Catholic Priest St. Patrick; who was said to have driven all the snakes out of Ireland. Orange, for all the Protestants who number half of the nations population, and represents the Republic of Ireland. And white, for the hope of a lasting peace between the two.

May God bless all the Irish blood that flows in all our veins on St. Patrick's Day; even the wee folk: elf's, gnomes, leprechauns, fairies, sprites, brownies, and such. But just in case you'd like to learn some good old Irish curses just for fun....LOL....Never know, you might just need one. LOL

May The Almighty kiss both sets of cheeks, two hours before the devil knows your gone. "Erin Go Brach"


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