
Tear Jerking isn't it? Grab a tissue.

Today marks the 10th day I've been in excruciating pain from vertebra's out of place.

17th. After exercising 22 minutes, I took a friend to the hospital to have some x-rays taken of her shoulder for her industrial accident claim. I carried her stuff for her around the hospital and to the car. Nothing heavy, but I started hurting that evening.

18th. I went to work, came home and tried to exercise but couldn't stand the pain in my shouderblade after 7 ½ minutes, so I quit and took some aspirin. By bedtime I was in excruciating pain.

19th. I tried exercising again and quit after 5 minutes of torture. I started with ice packs and heat packs and popping aspirin like peanuts. Nothing helped.
I used a frozen steak in a zip lock bag wrapped in a hand towel. Fits great and stays cold a long time. Of coarse I have to throw the meat away after reusing it several times, but I don't have an ice pack and this works. So do frozen vegetables.

20th. Heat seems to work the best so I soaked a hand towel and wrapped it in foil after nuking it for 8 minutes. Then into a zip lock bag and another hand towel. I exercised 15 minutes and was extremely sorry afterwards. I thought maybe I was just needing a good workout. Fact is, I need a mineral hot springs for about a week.

21st. No school for President's Day so suffered in pain until I could get to a doctor on Monday.

22nd. Went to Dr Lush's office; he wasn't in. The nurse practitioner suggested I go to see her chiropractor; just across the street from the 101 quick stop. I got right in. He did his thing and I left hurting more. Come back on Friday at 9 a.m.

23rd. I go to work each day and cry till it's time to go back then fight to get 10 minutes of sleep each night. Nothing helps anymore. Finally in the afternoon on my last run of the day, I pushed the brake handle on the bus when I pulled into the barn, and shot such pain through my body I don't think even birthing matches this; maybe a close second.

24th. I went to work, drove the first round and shot pains through my shoulder and arm again pushing the brake down to where I could use my foot the rest of the way, to set the brake on my bus. When it came time to drive my second run of the day, I was in snotty tears explaining to my boss that I just couldn't do that again. I have to see a doctor; something is wrong in my shoulder.

25th. I took the day off and spent it at the chiropractor, who still can't get something back into place in my neck that's causing my 3 fingers on my left hand to twitch accompanied with severe pain up the outside of my left arm into my shoulder and across into my spine; where it feels like I've been stabbed in the back. He thinks it probably has something to do with the bus break.
I left there very grumpy and went to Dr. Lush's office. I was on a quest to get some help from someone and I didn't care if I had to sit all day to do it.
In Dr Lush's office he hadn't come in yet from his all nighter at the hospital, but was due back at 10:30 a.m. They said he was just returning from vacation and had yesterdays people backed up into today. There would be no way I could get in until maybe 2:30 p.m. To come back and they'd see if they could fit me in.
I went out to the car. Sat there and cried for about 15 minutes and then went back into the office for tissues and to visit the potty. I walked straight over to a chair at the window and waited. Apparently the nurse practitioner who's children ride my bus thought I would need to be back at school to drive the route, because she hurried me into a m exam room where the Doctor happened to notice me and mention he was sorry for the crowed state of the clinic that day and that he would get to me as quickly as he could. I told him I understood and that it was ok, I'd wait. He came in a few minutes later and after talking a few minutes he sent me to the hospital for x-rays and come back on Tuesday. He also gave me a Rx for pain.
Now off to the hospital I went....Still in mega pain but I felt like I was getting somewhere.
Dr approved of the chiropractor and said to continue with him and come see him on Tuesday and they would know more about what's going on in there.
He gave me the paper to take with me for my annual blood labs for diabetes; said I might as well do that while I was there.
I reported to my boss what was going on and he said to not come back to work until I knew something or that it was resolved, and he wants me to fill out an industrial accident claim form. I don't want to not work. I asked if someone couldn't switch busses with me. He said no with no further explanation than they are set the way that is best. In simple terms; he doesn't want to. (I'm still going to ask one of the other drivers if she'll change routes with me.) He said he'd leave the form on his desk for me that I could fill it out after I'd been to the hospital (at my suggestion).
They couldn't do the blood work because I had already eaten breakfast; they like to do them on an empty stomach. No pills, food, nothing but water before those tests.
26th. I had to go back today. After the test I drove to the bus barn and no paper out to fill out.
I called him from there at 9 a.m. and he said he forgot all about it. So I told him I'd come in on Monday after the Dr. (chiropractor)
So this month has been totally screwed for exercising. I've lost and will loose the last half of the month and God knows how much time in March.
What the heck am I going to do If I can't drive school bus anymore?
All I can say is, I guess God has something planned. I just don't see what it is right now, but I'll stand on Him; He's never let me down in 62 years.


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