
Ignorance is Painful.....Sometimes!

I used to make a joke saying,"Too bad ignorance isn't painful." Well this statement backfired on me, because I learned it is painful, sometimes.
I recently got the brainstorm I should add my picture to my Blog. Sounds reasonable enough doesn't it, but the follow through to completion is becoming quite exasperating. Don't get me wrong; I do like the idea of Hello and Picasa and even Google. It's great they all fit together so nicely; however:
1. I don't know what the heck I'm doing. No it isn't an inherent problem, usually.
2. I can't find any help that explains it's detailed application. Maybe I need new glasses?
3. I've downloaded everything there is to download, some even twice. Didn't help.
4. I've waisted oodles of time trying to figure out this conundrum. I could have been waisting my time somewhere else.
5. There is still no picture miraculously appearing on my blog. Maybe next time?
6. I'm developing a complex. E-gads, my complexes are breeding.
7. AND.... I'm developing itchy red splotches on my mouse finger. Athletes finger-----hummm----maybe?
I don't know if this will help or not. Here's the address see what happens.
Picasa Web Exports\Jan Myers' Creating Expressions\index.html
Ha! Ha! Don't bother going there, you won't get through. I can but you can't.
See what I mean. I've been here now this time since 8:30 and still haven't gotten anywhere and it is now 11:35 A.M.
Guess I'll break for lunch and attack this puppy later. As all great people keep advising us; Nothing worthwhile is ever easy. See there it is painful, it's a royal pain in the ______ . You fill in the blank.


At 5:23 PM, Blogger Zette said...



Doesn't EVEN begin to cover how I feel about Picasa and Hello!!!!! New glasses WILL NOT help you here, I'm afraid! Few things have irritated me more or made me feel so damned stupid, as Picasa and Hello. And now I swear they're taking over my computer and I can't get rid of them! EEEKKKKKK!!!!

Another friend of mine, said she felt the same way (and she IS quite computer smart). She suggested I try Photobucket.com, instead. I really haven't had much problem with it, ALTHOUGH it does take several involved steps to get the pics to your blog. The pics ARE ON MY BLOG, though, and that, my dear, is progress in any language! LMAO!!

IM me if you need any help, should you decide to go that route. Good Luck!


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