
To Clean or To Dirty?

My mother used to say our family was either to clean or to dirty, because she was always cleaning something: laundry, the house, dishes, furnishings, the yard, equipment, appliances, us kids and herself; then of course the tub and towels and etc, etc, etc.
Well, she's right. I've spent the last two days doing all these things and including the stove and refrigerator, windows, blinds, carpets, and floors.
I was doing really well until I closed the hall linen closet door and it fell off the track on one side and swung there like a spider monkey in a tree. Humm! I thought. Well that shouldn't be any problem, after all it just slipped off the runner thing; I'll just lift it back up and put it back on the track.
Ha! Fat chance old girl. This door set up has to slide past one another each on it's own track.
I barked my knuckles fighting with these doors until my back felt like I'd had a back alley lesson from some street thugs on steroids. After a good 10 minutes of fighting and cussing these expletive pains in the hallway, I ripped the expletives from their illusive tracks and propped them up blocking one side of the closet until the maintenance man can fix them properly.
It's not like they worked perfect prior to their jumping tracks. They acted weird once before and wound up pushed back at the bottom, exposing their plastic guides in the front. But! They continued to work, so I lived with them that way.
Here it is 8:55 pm and I'm finally finished with the cleaning. What should have taken 5-6 hours today, wound up 15 hours. Boy am I ready for a nice hot tub and my book. I'm half way through Sacajawea by Anna Lee Waldo. It follows the journals written by Capt. Meriwether Lewis while the corp of discovery joined on the Oregon Trail. I'm so thankful to my brother-in-law for sending me this book. Living in Washington near part of the Oregon Trail and familiar with the tribes noted in his journals makes this gift even more real for me. Thanks Pete for your thoughtfulness, I needed it after the day I've had.
There is still one last thing to clean today and that's me. The soap and water will clean the body, the book will cleans my spirit, and the Lord will cleans my soul before sleeping.
Yep, I agree with mom, I am either to dirty or to clean.


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