
Nick knack paddy whack give your dog some bones.

I've been saving bones now for about 2 weeks for my son-in-law's big black Labrador Retriever named Indy. The bag started out to be just a few handful of assorted bones tied nicely into a hand sized bag placed on the door shelf of my refrigerator's freezer. It has grown into a hough bag that takes up almost a third of my freezer. You'd think I could remember to take the darned thing to my kid's place when I drive over there. It would open up some space to put groceries for myself, but that would make too much sense.
I let the darned thing fall out on my head once and my foot several times. It rolled off the door shelf and onto my endangered body parts each time. News flash! Frozen bones hurt when they come crashing down onto a pinky toe from 4½ feet above.
Chicken bones aren't so bad, but a turkey drumstick can be a formidable weapon of destruction on even a great toe. The worst are beef rib and pork bones; especially roast and chops. These minions of torture would fit right at home in a dungeon beside the rack and spiked cages. I now have one middle toe on my left foot that is a beautiful shade of purple and it looks like I might loose a toenail. On my right foot I have a knot just above my knuckle of the great toe where my most recent encounter left me hopping around on one foot while turning the air blue with profanities, after whacking my head on the freezer door. All I was after was a pound of margarine.
Take my advice. If your going to save bones for yours or anyone else's dog, use a small bag and get rid of it quick before it turns into a WMD. The body part you save could be your own.


At 7:38 PM, Blogger Zette said...

Sure hope Indy appreciates the "pains" you've gone thru to treat him. But unlikely..LOL!

And, of course, I hope you get to feeling better soon. Those frozen WMD can be deadly!


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