
Ever make a quiz about yourself for your friends to answer???

1) What is my favorite color?
a)Yellow Love it with other colors
b)Orange Love it with other colors
c)Green Plants yes, other things no.
d)Red YES!
e)Blue lobotomy boring.

2) What is my favorite thing to do?
a)Fish Most definitely
b)Camp Sure
c)Swim Anytime
d)Eat Wish it was a spectator sport.
e)Run Till I hurt my foot, this was my favorite.

3) What is my favorite book?
a)Uncle Remus Brar Rabbit rules, but John Seagull is best.
b)Jonathan Livingston Seagull Yep. I'm a nut for the seagull.
c)The Prophet Loved this one but it's poetry.
d)Dune Read this one yearly; but it's heavy reading.
e)The Bible This is 66 books and I love every one, but the question was book not books.

4) If I had to tell someone bad news; how would I do it?
a)Straight out, even if it hurt. Might as well use a knife.
b)I'd try to make it as painless as possible. Bad news is bad enough without adding to it.
c)It would depend on who I was talking to; if I liked them or not. I don't bother with people I don't like.
d)I'd lie. Nope, not worth it.
e)I'd get someone else to tell them I've done this, but was ashamed of myself.

5) Do I walk to work or ride?
a)Ride a bicycle Don't own a bike; wish I did.
b)Have a motor scooter I can just see me scooting my fat ass around. Not!
c)Car pool To drive 3 miles???? Get real.
d)Walk/jog to and from This is what I should be doing, but am too damn lazy.
e)Pray my car doesn't break down. Or at least waits till Summer to do it.

6) What kind of clothes do I like?
a)Revealing? I do, but I'm thinking of others. EEEEEEEEeeeew!
b)Sexy? I'm not turned on my fat rolls in butt floss.
c)Practical? This is my second choice.
d)Functional? As long as it covers and fits the weather; it's right for me.
e)Whatever is in style? I do like style, but who can afford it? Not me.

7) How much time do I spend on make up?
a)10 minutes When I try to wear make-up it lasts about this long. I'm allergic.
b)1 hour I'm not painting the side of a barn...Way too much wasted time.
c)What make up? Once in a while mascara when I can get hypoalergenic.
d)2 hours once a month It takes that long to find my make-up before I say heck with it.
e)I gave it up because I'm allergic Not yet, I keep trying but not very often.

8) Sometimes I run away from home; when I do, where do I go?
a)To the beach. If it's clamming season, maybe.
b)To the mountains. They are too far away or I would.
c)To a river. I live beside a river. Nope.
d)Someplace secluded with water falls. If I can find one.
e)I go mind tripping Not since the 60' and 70's.

9) If I were to come back in another life; what critter would I choose to be?
a)An elephant. I'd rather come back as something smaller.
b)A monkey. I don't like cages.
c)A flea. Something about sucking blood, turns me off.
d)An eagle. This is my second choice.
e)An otter. Why? Because they always make whatever they do...a game. Life is fun for them.

10) When is the last time I told anyone I loved them?
a)Five minutes ago. Can't help it. I'm mushy.
b)Yesterday. Been there did it.
c)I don't say I love you any more. Don't say it any less either.
d)After 8 last night. I was in bed then, reading.
e)7 p.m. Saturday night. What! And miss the Saturday night movie. No way No how.


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