
Learning from Failures

We can learn a lot from failures if we allow ourselves.  Too many times we let our ego get in the way of helping us to grow in good ways.  Sometimes we have experiences that try and test our patience to the limit and we’re shown our shortcomings in not to pleasant ways.  It’s at these times we can take that criticism in a constructive way or we can shut off all hope of gaining something positive from the experience.  

I had one of those experiences today and I hope I’ve gained the skills to deal with future difficulties in a more positive manner.  Here are a few thoughts I gleaned from Rev. Dr. Schuller Sr. to help me keep focused in a positive direction; I hope they help you in the same way.

Failure means:
1. You haven't succeeded yet.  Yet is the big word here; I must keep Trying!
2. You have learned something.  If nothing else: don’t do the same thing.
3. You had a lot of faith.  Keep the faith flowing.
4. You were willing to try.   Good things come when I’m willing to try.
5. You have to do something in a different way.   I will be more creative.
6. You are not perfect.   No one is!
7. You have a reason to start afresh.   It’s ok; there might be a better way.
8. You must try harder.   Everything worthwhile takes effort.
9. A Failure means it will take a little longer.   There’s always time to do it right!
10. Failures mean God has a better idea!   Aren’t you glad God’s leading you to that better idea?


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