
Eating Healthy IS NOT Cheep! Part 2

Setting the Background for Success.

I have some good motivational words tacked up to my wall surrounding my computer and in front of my exercise machine from Doctors Wayne Dyer and Robert Schuller Sr. I respect both men for their intellects.

As I exercise I face and must focus on and read Dr. Dyer’s words, “Spend your thoughts and energy on what you want; your infinite soul will make conscious contact with your source for it’s creation for you. These words not only make powerful sense to me since my source is God and I feel I’m being led by the Holy Spirit to accomplish what has been set before me. But these words also motivate me to think about what I want, which leads me to the other posted positive words.

On the first sheet, I’m paraphrasing, Dr. Schuller tells me to use my imagination. My “imageofgodinus” as he writes the word “imagination”…. the “image-of-God-in-us”! He says to revitalize my imagination! To light up my darkened mind in living Technicolor! To take Action! Sound! Energy! Enthusiasm! Drive! Determination! Zeal! Zest! Vitality! And let God shine through my dulled and distorted picture. The fatigue, frustration, failures and fears will clear out and leave me with a sparkling clear and clean vision to the horizon.

On the second sheet, the synopsis is, Dr. Schuller, tells me to budget my time and plan my days and work my plan. He says, “Never head into a day without a plan. Nothing could be more disastrous as far as your time budget is concerned.” Also, “ Be prepared to say “NO” to yourself and others who might want to spend your time unwisely. Learn to say “NO” in a fair, friendly, and frank, and firm manner.” This I’m applying not only to eating and living healthy but also to every part of my life; I have to be honest, I’ve never learned to say “NO” to people I love, nor to exercising regularly.

On the final sheet Dr. Schuller’s advice to people like myself who are contemplating a new career at the age of sixty+. And I quote, “Anyone who wants to can succeed. Success is building self-esteem in yourself, through sacrificial service to God.
Unless you achieve tremendous self-esteem in the process, all that the world calls success becomes ashes in your hands.
The secret of success is to find a need and fill it.
S U C C E S S Select your goal. Unlock your positive thinking. Chart your course. Commit yourself. Expect problems and difficulties. Sacrifice yourself. Yes, success always involves a cross! Stick with it. Yes, You never fail until you say, “I Quit.”
Whatever it is, you can succeed.”

I added at the bottom:
Believe that you can and will!
Jesus said so, and he doesn’t lie!


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