

The people left in the disastrous wake of hurricane Katrina are struggling to survive.  These are our brothers and sisters, mothers, fathers, aunts and uncles, cousins or distant family and friends who have been ravaged and left with only the clothes on their backs.  They have no place to go and no provisions for survival.  

Take up collections anywhere and everywhere and donate them to these reputable organizations that will use those donations for the people in need.

Be very careful of scam donation drives right now.  That is why it is better to go through one of these organizations that are recognized worldwide.

I’ve compiled a list of reputable places where you can help.  Find some way to help the victims of hurricane Katrina.  Please!  

1.  Salvation Army Katrina Help Information

How You Can Help: Financial Donations:
Financial contributions are greatly needed, and provide The Salvation Army with the funds to purchase what storm victims need. They also allow The Salvation Army to assess the unique needs of individuals and families, as well as put money back into the economy of those communities affected by the disaster. Click here to donate online... To donate by phone, call 1-800-SAL-ARMY To donate by mail, send checks, earmarked 'disaster relief,' to PO BOX 4857 JACKSON, MS 39296-4857. Visit your local Wal-Mart or Sam's Club to donate to The Salvation Army's Hurricane Katrina relief effort.

Salvation Army National Headquarters

Donate now...Victims Needing Assistance: Please call 1-888-363-2769.Connect with Loved Ones: SATERN - The Salvation Army's Team Emergency Radio Network has been activated. Click here to send a health and welfare request regarding family and friends you otherwise are unable to locate... If you receive an error page when asking for a 'health and welfare request,' please click 'refresh' until the page appears. We thank you for your patience!

2. Goodwill International
     Goodwill offers this list of organizations where you can help right now with money donations.

  • Christian Reformed World Relief Committee(800) 848-5818www.crwrc.org

  • Southern Baptist Convention - Disaster Relief(800) 462-8657, ext. 6440www.namb.net

Salvation Army National Headquarters

Goodwill International

Red Cross



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