
Eating Healthy IS NOT Cheep! Part 4

Choosing a Healthier Lifestyle.

Today is Sunday and like most Sundays I attended church, worshiped then almost whimped out on exercising, but didn’t.  I simply got off my butt and went into the bedroom to my gazelle, slipped on my shoes after adjusting them properly for my goofy foot, then proceeded to exercise.  I did five minutes with no problem; I didn’t get bored or even want to quit.  That’s great!  Along about the 8 ½ minute stage I began wearing out and caught myself rationalizing in my thoughts, “I’ll just match yesterday; after all it is the day of rest.” I chewed myself out mentally, “Your programming yourself to fail. Already!”.  “You can at least try to make it through the same time you did yesterday, or just one minute more; so that means you will be doing 13 minutes; set your mind to it.”

Well I completed my 13 minutes and got off the machine exhausted, but satisfied that I didn’t quit like I wanted to do from the very beginning.  I told myself “Your comment was that you eat 7 days a week so you’d exercise 7 days a week well that’s just what your going to do, either you exercise today or you fast.  There comes a time when you have to be honest with yourself and put out some effort; this is that day”!

As I said before I have papers with encouragement all over the place trying to motivate me, well while on the gazelle I noticed another one.  It’s really small and I had to strain to read it through my giggling vision.  It’s about the size of a business card and taped to the lower side of the one from Dr Dyer; both are on the side of my CPU on my desk.  I cut it out of O Magazine.  It says, “I will try a new lifestyle, not a new diet”!  Beneath that is a line with my signature on it.  Beneath that is the statement:
You have joined the movement.  Keep this contract in a secure location.  Uphold the ideals of healthy eating.  Unite with fellow members and overthrow the bad-eating paradigm at http://www.golean.com/

I’ve never been there till now; that speaks volumes.  

So would you like to explore that site right along with me?  I’ll meet you back here.

Oh boy!  I have to give you a heads up on the Kashi Go Lean Crunch cereal…IT SUCKS!  The only creatures that will eat it are my birds; and they eat most anything; even paper.  No thanks I’ll pass.  I’ve given it a fair trial already and it sucks as food.  It tastes like assorted pieces of corrugated box cut into unusual sizes and shapes AND it’s expensive.   So you do what you want with that information.  I’ll stick with whole barley mixed with whole oats and bran and cooked; with a little non sugar sweetener “Splenda”, cinnamon and 1 teaspoon of can’t believe it’s not butter, or for a change ¼ cup of 1 or 2% milk.  If I’m going to eat cereal, I want to know it’s cereal and not expensive crap in a box.

Just a note: The American Diabetes Association recommends Splenda.  It’s made from real sugar and can be used just like real sugar.  It’s another product I found to have 0’s on everything on the Nutrition Facts box.  So you can eat it till it comes out your ears.  Can’t say I’d want to because it makes everything taste much sweeter than regular sugar, so the expense isn’t that bad when you consider you’ll use about half what you would have used of real sugar per serving.  I bought a bag about 6 months ago and still have over half of it; now that’s a bargain!


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