
Dreams? Law of Averages? Y/N

Do you Believe in Dreams? I mean... like, do dreams really ever come true?

The reason I asked? I'm one of those people that have always been a dreamer of dreams; a goal setter; a believer of someday that great thing is going to happen... to me and/or for me.

I can't believe I'm the only person that is like this. I could say when God created me, He broke the mold, but it isn't true, cause I've seen my double. With so many people on the earth, lookalikes aren't even rare any more, so why would it be impossible to believe there aren't others who actually do believe the same as I.

The problem is I've never had one dream come true. Not ever! What a righteous bummer...that's sad when you think about it; especially when I've been expecting something good, dream wise, for all of my 64 years.

Ah! The eternal optimist in me says, "Well there ya go.... Law of averages says it's time for something GREAT to happen! Just! For! You!"

Then that little smart ass on my shoulder says, "Don't hold your breath at your age you might pass out and someone will have you embalmed."

I'm rooting for the law of averages scenario; I'm too old to give up on my dreams now. Because; just as sure as I did, my "mega wow" would have been scheduled to happen the next minute.

I wonder if they have houseboats in Jamaica?


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