
I have a Plan

News articles have said Bush's warrant less eavesdropping reportedly targeted between 500 and 1,000 people a year?  The practice has been going on since before 9/11 2001.  From what I’ve read the tally is closer to millions of innocent citizens who’s rights have been violated in the past half-century by one means or another.  Bush just didn’t get warrants from the secretive Kangaroo court set up to give warrants for just that purpose.  Looks to me like we need a major house cleaning in Washington.  Let’s just begin at the top and continue on until all the fat cats, and paid cronies are cleaned out of the house and senate; then move on into our court system and restore our rights.

Excerpt from Slate Magazine article: Tinker, Tailor, Miner, Spy Why the NSA’s snooping is unprecedented in scale and scope.  By Shane Harris and Tim Naftali Posted Tuesday, January 3, 2006, at 6:30 AM ET

The Times reported that the companies have granted the NSA access to their all-important switches, the hubs through which colossal volumes of voice calls and data transmissions move every second. A former telecom executive told us that efforts to obtain call details go back to early 2001, predating the 9/11 attacks and the president's now celebrated secret executive order. The source, who asked not to be identified so as not to out his former company, reports that the NSA approached U.S. carriers and asked for their cooperation in a "data-mining" operation, which might eventually cull "millions" of individual calls and e-mails.

Like the pressure applied to ITT a half-century ago!

They have spied on (we have to assume innocence until proven guilty by a court of law) “3,000 to millions” of totally innocent American citizens.  

Are their/your/my rights less important than the rest of the country’s innocent American citizens?

Excerpt from Slate Magazine article: Listening In and Naming Names   The old tricks of the National Security Agency. By Patrick Radden Keefe   Posted Tuesday, December 20, 2005, at 3:22 PM ET
The following year, as Washington began its full-court press for an invasion of Iraq, the NSA launched a surge of eavesdropping on delegates to the U.N. Security Council in New York. The operation was revealed when an English eavesdropper leaked an NSA e-mail requesting British assistance in the effort. It was a front-page story in Europe and around the world, but the American press didn't run with it, showing a level of deference to NSA secrecy matched only by Congress. Never mind that the eavesdropping took place in Manhattan and violated the General Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations, the Headquarters Agreement for the United Nations, and the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, all of which the United States has signed.

Our political parties are scratching their heads, not knowing what should be done to bring our troops home.  I hear comments like it’s a no win situation.  Sorry, but I’m an optimist and I still believe in our founders system of self-government, here in the United States of America.  

I have a plan for them.

If we set our own political structure right, we can bring our troops home holding their/our heads high, and walk away from “the war that should never have been”.  We can once again be the shining example of Democracy in action.  We will restore our citizenry’s faith and restore faith in our country by other Nations.  We will show the world we aren’t heartless warmongers, and what is capable of happening in a truly Democratic Republic even when elected leaders jack their constituents around.

If we believe:
  • More in our founding beliefs than we do in partisanships.

  • We must honor our heritage more than false loyalties to unworthy leaders.

  • Our laws are for all our citizens to protect and to defend not just our soldiers.

  • We have a moral duty to our children to insure and promote their futures.

  • We will not tolerate unlawful spying on our own citizens.

Then the simple act of taking control of our own country can allow us to be proud and free once more.

Come on people, let’s bring our soldiers back from all over the world and put them to rebuilding, protecting and caring for our own ravaged country here at home.



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